How to mow your lawn correctly
Regular mowing strengthens your lawn and ensures your grass stays dense. Learn what’s important when mowing and for healthy growth.

Overview: How to mow your lawn correctly
- Optimal height: 3-5 cm for playing lawn, 2-3 cm for ornamental lawn, 5-6 cm for shaded lawn
- Mow the lawn before fertilising; only mow again two weeks after fertilising
- You should not mow your lawn when it is wet.
- You should have your cutting blades sharpened by your dealer at least once a year.
- First cut the lawn edges, then mow the area
- Mow irregular surfaces across the slope in even rows
As soon as soil temperatures reach around 10 degrees Celsius in spring, you can start mowing your lawn regularly. You can generally cut your grass for the first time in the year around the middle of March.
You should mow the lawn every four to seven days, but at least once a week. In spring in particular, it may be necessary to mow the lawn more frequently depending on the growth rate and type of grass. If your grass grows more than two and a half centimetres per week, you should mow it twice a week.
If possible, you should avoid mowing wet grass. However, if it cannot be avoided, take care not to walk on the lawn before mowing it, because wet blades of grass straighten back up only very slowly. You should definitely use a grass collection box, as wet, heavy grass mulch can choke the grass.
Lawn care with your lawn mower
Mowing the lawn is not just a question of aesthetics, but is an essential maintenance measure that ensures the growth and vitality of your grass. Regular cutting means that grass forms new side shoots, which in turn helps it to grow thick and even, and suppress weeds.
The optimal lawn height for conventional lawns
A well-maintained lawn should be about three to five centimetres tall. A lawn that is too tall makes the soil susceptible to weeds and overgrowth. On the other hand, blades of grass that are too short can no longer protect the soil from diseases. A short lawn can be fatal, especially in sunshine and hot seasons, as the grass burns and the soil dries out due to lack of water. That’s why you should leave that green carpet at up to five centimetres in summer and when the temperature rises, so that the soil underneath can remain nice and cool. And remember: lawn regrowth varies depending on the season, weather and seed type. You should therefore readjust your cutting height each time you mow.
Ornamental lawn may be shorter
Ornamental lawn is suitable for cutting heights of two to three centimetres; if it is not walked on or otherwise stressed, it can even withstand a shorter cut. However, the higher the temperatures, the taller the grass should be: we recommend a cutting height of five centimetres in dry and hot summer conditions.
Exception: shaded lawns
A shaded lawn can and should grow taller. Keep the blade height at five to six centimetres all year round so that the grass has more surface area to absorb the sunlight it needs. You should also make sure that the lawn gets enough water, even when it’s raining. Often, nearby hedges, shrubs and trees compete for resources.
When you create a new lawn, you’ll be eager to quickly start enjoying a lush, green turf. But new planting requires patience: while the grasses germinate, the lawn needs adequate irrigation and rest above all. A young lawn can only be mown for the first time when it is eight to ten centimetres tall – this makes the grasses spread and ensures a dense turf. It should be noted here that the cutting height is five to six centimetres and therefore slightly taller than for established lawns. Only mow using sharp mowing blades – blunt lawn mowers often pluck the delicate blades out of the ground.
Mowing wet grass
Avoid mowing wet grass. Your lawn mower will be grateful to avoid being clogged by sticky grass, and the blades will be blunted less quickly. If wet cutting cannot be avoided, please note the following points:
- avoid walking on the lawn area before mowing, as wet grass will only straighten up again slowly and so will not be caught by the mower blade.
- The lawn must not be mulched; wet grass clippings weigh heavily on the ground and could suffocate the grass, so consider getting a collection box.
- Empty the collection box when it is half-full, as the lawn mower is also heavy on your lawn. Avoid the additional load by emptying the collection box more often.
- Use sharpened blades. If your lawn mower is already struggling on a dry lawn, you shouldn’t even try to cut a wet lawn. The blades get even more blunt and the blades of grass become frayed due to an unclean cut. In any case, the blades must be sharpened after a wet cut.
- Note the cutting height: keep the grass longer than usual (approximately six centimetres) and mow it shorter later on, once the lawn has dried completely.

Emissions-free, compact and quiet: cordless lawn mowers from STIHL
Our flexible cordless lawn mowers bring a multitude of additional benefits. Thanks to their low noise level, they are the ideal lawn mower for private gardens. Innovative battery technologies from STIHL guarantee powerful engine performance. Intelligent systems such as the Eco function ensure long-lasting energy supply and more lawn area per charge. Already familiar with the cordless lawn mower RMA 339?
Can I mow my lawn after fertilising?
The lawn should get enough rest between fertilising and mowing to absorb the nutrients. If the granulate is still on the soil, mowing must be postponed. It’s best to mow two or three days before fertilising so that nutrients can get into the soil quickly. If you want to scarify your lawn, we recommend fertilising the lawn first and then waiting around 2 weeks. Then mow the grass to a length of two to three centimetres before starting to scarify.
When should you mow your lawn?
You should mow your lawn for the first time as soon as the grass begins to grow in spring, and can then mow it regularly throughout the gardening season (March to November). However you should make sure that the grass is dry when you cut it. You are free to choose the time of day as long as the temperatures are normal. In high heat, you should only mow in the morning or evening.
However, you should also consider the quiet periods prescribed in the German Ordinance on the Protection against Noise from Equipment and Machinery (Geräte- und Maschinenlärmschutzverordnung). The operation of loud motorised lawn mowers is only permitted on working days between 7.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. and between 3.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. This rule also applies to loud clearing saws and grass trimmers. By contrast, quieter tools such as STIHL cordless lawn mowers, STIHL cordless brushcutters and STIHL electric brushcutters may be used between 7.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. on working days. However, there may be stricter rules that go beyond this in Germany, differing between municipalities. To be on the safe side, please check the website for your municipality to inform yourself of the rules.
Can I mow my lawn on Sundays?
According to the German Ordinance on the Protection against Noise from Equipment and Machinery, mowing the lawn on Sundays and holidays is generally not permitted.However, robotic mowers such as the STIHL iMOW® are currently not covered by the law. We recommend that you avoid using your robotic mower on Sundays and holidays out of consideration for your neighbours.
How often should I mow the lawn?
You should mow the lawn at least every seven days, though in spring this may not be frequent enough. If your lawn grows faster than two and a half centimetres per week, you will have to mow twice a week. You can also change your approach based on the type of lawn: a resilient playing lawn is mown once a week during the season. Ornamental lawns can be mowed every four to seven days if they grow quickly. A shaded lawn can be treated similarly to a playing lawn.

Mow your lawn correctly with the right tools
Mowing long grass
If you haven’t mowed your lawn for a long time, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your lawn mower isn’t overwhelmed. A well-functioning lawn mower with high mowing performance and easy adjustment of the cutting height makes all the difference – even if the grass is too long.

The 1/3 rule
It’s not always advisable to immediately cut back a growing lawn to four centimetres. If you come back from holiday or haven’t looked after your garden for a long time, radical trimming can weaken the grass rather than strengthen it. For this reason, we recommend you gradually shorten a tall lawn in several passes and make sure that you never remove more than about a third of the tallest blades. This will allow you to follow the natural growth of the grass without damaging the vegetation point, which is about halfway up the blade.
Lawn mowers for long grass
You can even mow long grass measuring 15 to 20 centimetres using a lawn mower – depending on the model and the properties of the grass and in accordance with the 1/3 rule.
If your grass has already grown to a length of 15 to 20 centimetres or even longer, we recommend that you use a brushcutter.
Brushcutters for long grass
If you are dealing with very long grass, i.e. longer than 20 centimetres, a brushcutter is the best choice.
For very long grass, you should mow in two directions with the brushcutter: to the right for the upper half of the blades and then to the left for the lower half. Swing the brushcutter from right to left and the grass will be left lying on the left-hand side.
With a little practice, the right mowing technique and using the basic technique for long grass, the brushcutter or clearing saw will produce a clean cut.
For larger, level areas, we recommend the quadrant method: divide the area into multiple squares and work within the individual squares from the outside to the middle. That way you can keep a clear overview.
Long grass can be mown with a brushcutter, or a lawn mower. If you want to mow long grass with a lawn mower, you should proceed in two stages. A brushcutter is the right choice for very tall lawns or meadows.
If the grass is too long to mow, you should cut it with a brushcutter, moving in two directions: right for the upper half, then left for the lower half. Swing the brushcutter from right to left and the grass will be left lying on the left-hand side.
Lawn mower maintenance and use
The lawn mower is your most important accessory in the garden if you want a well-maintained lawn. If you use your lawn mower correctly, your lawn will also be grateful. We recommend that you always use the lawn mower in line with the instructions for use, so you can enjoy your power tool for a long time to come. We have put together the important elements for you here.
Sharp blades
A sharp blade is the secret to clean cuts, and not only in the kitchen: lawn mowers must also have sharp blades to ensure that the grass is evenly gripped and cut to the intended length. Optimal mowing performance can be achieved if this process is always carried out after 20 to 25 working hours. The mower blades must also be sharpened at the beginning or end of the season.
Have mower blades replaced by a dealer
If the mower blade is not properly intact before it is used for the first time in spring, for example because cracks and notches are visible, it must be immediately replaced by a STIHL dealer. Otherwise, it is advisable to remove and sharpen the blade or have it sharpened and balanced by a specialist.
Be careful when checking the mower blades
Safety first: Before taking a look at your lawn mower’s mower blades, make sure that the mower is switched off and cannot start. For cordless lawn mowers, simply remove the battery; for petrol-driven devices pull out the spark plug socket; and for electric lawn mowers make sure that the plug is not plugged into the socket. These precautions also apply when you want to clean your lawn mower.

Mowing uneven areas
If you have a very uneven lawn to deal with, the lawn mower can be an additional burden. For this reason, we recommend that you don’t push the mower up and down the hill, but instead work from left to right. Moving across the slope means less effort for you and makes it easier to create regular strips. This approach is also safer, as there is less risk of your lawnmower rolling over you if you fall.

Set the correct cutting height
Before mowing, it is essential to determine whether the lawn mower’s cutting height is stated in centimetres, millimetres or in steps. If you are unsure of how to set the correct cutting height, read the operating instructions or ask your STIHL dealer.
Tip for optimum mowing height adjustment
A great trick for measuring the optimum lawn cutting height is to place a piece of thin cardboard lying on top of the lawn and use a ruler to measure the height from the ground. The height adjustment for the mower can then be adjusted accordingly.
Intelligent lawn care: robotic mowers

More comfort and speed
The intelligent iMOW® robotic mower from STIHL mows independently, avoids obstacles, traverses gradients and recharges itself when needed. The iMOW® series offers first-rate mowing comfort while you enjoy your garden with complete peace of mind.
Lawn mowing tips and tricks
Mowing the lawn correctly is a simple but demanding task. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you can enjoy a beautiful and healthy lawn. We have compiled a brief summary of the most important tips and tricks for efficient lawn care here.
Start with the edges, then mow the rest
When mowing the lawn, you should always work your way in from the outside. You should start by trimming the lawn edge. You can do this with a brushcutter, for example, or alternatively lawn-edging shears such as the HSA 26. You can then mow the lawn as a second step. This is best done using a lawn mower if the terrain allows. The grass clippings are collected on the side in the grass collection box.
Mulch mowing: fertilise and mow in a single step
When mulch mowing, the mown grass is finely shredded and fed back to the lawn as a valuable source of nutrients. This saves you time and energy and means you no longer have to worry about full collection boxes or applying fertiliser.
Do not walk on areas that have not been mown
When mowing, make sure that you only step on the areas you have already travelled over with the mower. Once the grass has flattened under your feet, it will not straighten up in time for the cut, resulting in an uneven lawn.
Use the entire cutting width of the lawn mower
To achieve a stripe-free and even surface, you should always travel in straight lines. Therefore, make sure that your lawnmower consistently protrudes one wheel’s width into the previously mown path.